
2022年第27届欧洲血液学协会大会(EHA)将于2022 年 6 月 9 日至 12 日召开,EHA 被称为欧洲首屈一指的血液学大会,提供涵盖血液学每个子专业的大会计划,并提供与来自世界各地的专家交流的机会。教育和科学计划突出了最先进的临床实践、最新发现和血液学研究的创新。大会还为您提供参加卫星项目、血液学更新和参观由制药公司组织的展览的机会。奥地利首都维也纳融合了帝国传统、音乐和迷人魅力。这座城市既能激发新事物的灵感,又能激发新事物的灵感,在咖啡馆或酒馆里总能找到一个舒适的地方。这里有绿色连绵起伏的葡萄园,以及维也纳闻名的宏伟的皇家建筑。维也纳是世界历史和艺术史书写了半个世纪的城市。维也纳拥有世界上最著名的烹饪传统之一,如维也纳炸肉排和萨赫蛋糕。多样化而又和谐的菜肴反映了这座城市几个世纪以来的民族和饮食文化的融合,并激发了来自世界各地的游客的灵感。EHA 2022年大会赞助机会

Important deadlines and dates

Find in this page the important deadlines and dates related to the EHA2022 Hybrid Congress.

All deadlines, except if mentioned differently, end at 23:59 CET/CEST. 

The timelines will be updated regularly. 


2022 January 1Abstract submission website open
2022 March 1Deadline for abstract submission 
2022 (by) April 22Announcement allocation of abstracts to authors
2022 April 30Early fee registration deadline (& Deadline to pay registration fees by bank transfer)
2022 May 12; 16:00Abstracts online
2022 May 6-12; 09:00Late-breaking abstracts submission website open
2022 May 19Deadline to renew/apply for EHA membership to benefit from reduced registration fees
2022 (by) May 27*Announcement allocation of late-breaking abstracts to authors
2022 May 31Regular fee registration deadline
2022 June 2; 16:00Late-breaking abstracts online
2022 June 9-12EHA2022 Hybrid Congress, Vienna, Austria
2022 June 15-17EHA2022 Virtual Thematic Days
2022 June 20On-demand content available on congress platform
2022 August 1Registration close
2022 August 15Congress platform close

Registration category

For the EHA2022 Hybrid Congress, you can opt for the full package and get the most out of the Congress by attending physically in Vienna and virtually (EHA2022 Hybrid registration), or to enjoy the Congress from the comfort of your home by attending virtually only (EHA2022 virtual registration).

EHA2022 Hybrid registration fee:

Hybrid registration feeEarly FeeRegular FeeLate Fee

Until April 30, 2022; 23:59 CESTFrom May 1 to May 31, 2022; 23:59 CESTFrom June 1 to June 12, 2022
EHA Member*€ 439€ 599€ 659
Non-Member (Junior & Regular)€ 669€ 839€ 929
Junior EHA Member */**€ 119€ 159€ 199

The registration fees include 20% Austrian VAT. After April 30, 2022 only credit card payments are accepted.
* EHA members who have paid their 2022 membership fee before May 19, 2022
** Participants up to 36 years of age (born in 1985 or after).


  • Full program access in Vienna, Austria from June 9-12 and in the virtual platform, including the Invited Speaker Program, and the Sponsored session program such as the Satellite Symposia day on Thursday, June 9 and Updates-in-Hematology and Satellite Symposia (45 or 60 minutes) on Friday and Saturday,

  • Full access to the virtual Thematic Days (virtual only) from June 15-17, 2022 on the virtual platform, including virtual sponsored session program,

  • Full access to the YoungEHA Research Meeting in Vienna on Thursday June 9 (also live stream),

  • Full access to the Exhibition Area where you can meet all the EHA industry and nonprofit partners and get the latest information on their research and products, as well as full access to the company profiles of partners and sponsors and more in the virtual platform,

  • One printed Pocket Program to navigate the program and your way around the venue,

  • Use of the official Congress mobile App for Q&A during sessions and interaction with virtual audience,

  • Healthy lunches on Friday, June 10, Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12,

  • Coffee carts coupons to enjoy a cup of coffee with your fellows in the Congress center, 

  • Access to the Poster networking reception on Friday, June 10,

  • Access to the digital Abstract bookpaper posters & E-posters in Vienna, and online,

  • Public transport ticket: the most sustainable way (besides walking) to get around Vienna from Thursday, June 9 to Sunday, June 12,

  • Use of the Meeting Hub to meet your peers (free of charge but booking required),

  • Access to all on-demand content from June 20 until August 15, 2022, and

  • Opportunity to network with congress participants around the world.

EHA2022 Virtual only registration fee:

Virtual Only registration feeEarly FeeRegular FeeLate Fee

Until April 30, 2022;
23:59 CEST
From May 1 to May 31, 2022;
23:59 CEST
From June 1 to August 1, 2022
EHA Member*€ 219€ 299€ 329
Non-Member (Junior & Regular)€ 339€ 419€ 469
Junior EHA Member */**€ 59€ 79€ 99

The registration fees include 20% Austrian VAT. After April 30, 2022 only credit card payments are accepted.
* EHA members who have paid their 2022 membership fee before May 19, 2022
** Participants up to 36 years of age (born in 1985 or after).

The virtual only registration does not give access to the activities being held in Vienna, Austria (entrance to the Congress centre, Meeting Hub, Exhibition, Pocket program, lunches and so on). In order to access the full Hybrid experience, convert to the EHA2022 Hybrid registration fee.


  • Full access to the live stream of the full scientific program held in Vienna from June 9-12, 2022, including the Invited Speaker Program and the Sponsored session program such as the Satellite Symposia day on Thursday, June 9 and Updates-in-Hematology and Satellite Symposia (45 or 60 minutes) on Friday and Saturday,

  • Full access to the virtual Thematic Days from June 15-17, 2022 on the virtual platform, including virtual sponsored session program,

  • Access to the live stream of the YoungEHA Research Meeting on Thursday June 9,

  • Access to all on-demand content from June 20 until August 15, 2022,

  • Access to E-posters online, and digital Abstract book,

  • Access to the Company profiles of partners and sponsors, and

  • Use of the official Congress mobile APP for Q&A during sessions.








  • 血液科医师
  • 癌症专家
  • 医学肿瘤学家
  • 免疫学家
  • 病理学家
  • 研究学者
  • 医学生
  • 护士从业者
  • 病理调查员
  • 实验室研究人员
  • 癌症诊断专业人员
  • 癌症和肿瘤学社团专业人员
  • 生物医学公司的专业人员
  • 健康经济学家
  • 医学实验室技术人员
  • 社区卫生工作者
  • 初级保健提供者
  • 社会工作者
  • 基金会领导
  • 直接服务提供商
  • 决策者
  • 研究人员
  • 院士
  • 倡导政策制定者和其他人




  • 团队参会定制
  • 大会注册
  • 会员申请
  • 大会投稿
  • 邀请函
  • 代办签证
  • 预定酒店
  • 预定机票
  • 翻译服务
  • 境外包车
  • 接送机
  • 医院参访
  • 培训考察


6、转账汇款:请确保填写完整参会者姓名和注册编号及会议名称。如果您的汇款信息不完整,会导致无法识别该笔汇款出处。如您进行银行转账,请务必提供银行汇款单作为证明,以便追踪款项请将汇款单&注册号&注册时使用的全名一起发送至 globalconfs@gmail.com 一旦确认的汇款,注册将在48小时内被确认;


西班牙 马德里
德国 法兰克福
德国 法兰克福
德国 法兰克福
荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
瑞典 斯德歌尔摩
西班牙 马德里
丹麦 哥本哈根
奥地利 维也纳


奥地利 维也纳
奥地利 维也纳
奥地利 维也纳



