2022年国际人类脑图谱学会年会(OHBM)将于2022年6月19日至23日在哥拉斯哥举行,会议的为那些无法在格拉斯哥亲自参加的人推出虚拟选项,国际人类脑图谱学会 (OHBM)成立于1995年,现已发展为全球脑图谱研究领域最具影响力的学会,是一个致力于运用神经影像学探索、发现和理解人类大脑结构及功能的国际学术组织。该组织的主要职能是为科学家提供交流平台,促进脑成像方法学研究及其在脑科学和临床医学应用,分享脑科学领域的前沿技术和最新发现,探讨脑科学研究面临的挑战,并使年轻学者和学生获得更多的教育机会。 该学会的目的是增进对人脑的解剖和功能组织的了解,并促进其医学和社会应用。召集从事与人脑组织有关的研究的各种背景的科学家(MRI,fMRI,PET,EEG / MEG和其他前沿方法,例如电生理学,临床前成像,神经流行病学,遗传学);和从事其他活动,以促进这些科学家之间的交流,并促进人脑组织的教育。

OHBM 2022 Annual Meeting - Register Now!
We all look forward to the opportunity to gather together in person again at the 2022 OHBM Annual Meeting, with the chance to come together, collaborate, and share the latest advancements and research in human brain mapping. This year's experience in Glasgow, Scotland promises to provide true networking and interaction while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all attendees.
Virtual Keynote and Poster Sessions: June 7, 2022 - June 8, 2022
In-Person Educational Courses and Annual Meeting: June 19, 2022 - June 23, 2022
Annual Meeting & Educational Courses Registration
We will be meeting at the Scottish Event Center in Glasgow, Scotland! OHBM aims to ensure the best possible experience for delivering education, networking, and groundbreaking science. Registered attendees will receive detailed meeting guidelines as well as instructions on how to safely and efficiently check-in for the Meeting before arriving in Scotland.
Live/In-Person Individual Registration Rates: - Member Rate: $930 - Nonmember Rate: $1170 - Student Member Rate: $300 - Student Nonmember Rate: $480 Educational Courses Individual Registration Rates (LIVE ONLY): - Member Rate: $210 - Nonmember Rate: $330 - Student Member Rate: $120 - Student Nonmember Rate: $180 | Virtual Individual Registration Rates:
1、 | 常规注册包括:会议,展览,会议资料,茶歇; |
2、 | 随行人员注册包括:茶歇,进入展区参观; |
3、 | 学生&研究生及科研人员:完成注册付款后需准备相关证明文件在以备现场出示; |
4、 | 早鸟注册:须于早期注册截止日期前完成注册及汇款。如逾期则不能享受早鸟价; |
5、 | 付款方式:中国大陆参会者只接受人民币付款,除中国大陆外的参会者只接受美金付款; |
6、 | 转账汇款:请确保填写完整参会者姓名和注册编号及会议名称。如果您的汇款信息不完整,会导致无法识别该笔汇款出处。如您进行银行转账,请务必提供银行汇款单作为证明,以便追踪款项请将汇款单&注册号&注册时使用的全名一起发送至 globalconfs@gmail.com 一旦确认的汇款,注册将在48小时内被确认; |
7、 | 联系电话:13811318030 |