
2022年第110届临床骨科学会年会(COS)将于2022年9月7日至10日在圣安东尼奥举行,临床骨科学会COS成立于1912年的芝加哥,并于1990年临床骨科学会成为一个全国性组织,并保留了其成员资格。临床骨科学会的主要职能是其年度会议。会议形式要求在任何呈报的论文中都以患者介绍的形式出现,鼓励大家提出问题。Abstracts accepted through May 15th

Policies and Instructions on Abstract Submissions

110th Annual Meeting
September 7-10, 2022
San Antonio, TX

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2022

Policies Governing Accepted Submissions:

  1. Abstracts must be submitted online by May 15, 2022 to be eligible for review by the Program Committee.

  2. Submission of a corrected abstract is not allowed after May 15, 2022.

  3. Once an abstract is accepted, additional authors cannot be added.

  4. An orthopaedic surgeon, resident and/or a member of COS must be listed as one of the authors.

  5. Acceptance or rejection letters, and all future correspondence will be emailed to the Primary Contact listed on the Abstract Submission Form. Notification of acceptance will be sent in July 2022 to the email address provided on the submission form. Failure to complete Presenter Forms by the date listed, will result in the presentation being removed from the program.

  6. Abstracts not accepted for a podium presentation may be accepted for an E-Poster presentation.

  7. The paper is to be original, unpublished work.

  8. All co-authors must complete a disclosure form, or your presentation will be eliminated from the meeting.

  9. A copy of the manuscript may be requested for award consideration as determined by the Program Committee. The stipend for the award paper is contingent on the Resident/Fellow author, listed as the Primary Author on the Abstract Submission Form, presenting the paper at the Annual Meeting.

  10. COS reserves the right to publish the accepted abstracts in a medical journal. This will not preclude publishing the manuscript in another journal.

  11. The COS reserves the right to withdraw a presentation at any time.

Instructions to complete abstract submissions:

  1. TITLE: Make the title brief and clearly indicate the nature of the study/procedure. Do not use all caps. Please do not use similar titles for numerous submissions.

  2. CONTENT: The abstract must include four parts: INTRODUCTION should clearly state the problem and the purpose of the study; METHODS should provide a description of what was actually done; RESULTS should contain the findings of the study; DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION should be based upon the findings and relate to the stated purpose of the study and existing knowledge. Provide specific details about your research/study. DO NOT list any author's name or institution in the abstract or manuscript. A two-year minimum follow-up per patient is required for all results for reconstructive procedures and new or modified techniques as they relate to diagnosis, surgery, complications or other phases of orthopaedic surgical problems.

  3. LENGTH: The abstract should be typed on the form provided within space allotted (300 words max). Additional pages will not be accepted. Use English only.

  4. STYLE: Use title case for the entire title: DO NOT include company names, titles, appointments or addresses in the abstract. DO NOT use subtitles. Standard abbreviations may be used, when necessary. Do not cite references. Omit P values. No reference is to be made in your text as to authors, institutions, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, or specific manufacturers. Submit the form, completed in full. Please check your work prior to submission. The Clinical Orthopaedic Society is not responsible for proofreading or accuracy.

  5. DRUG NAMES: Nonproprietary (generic) names of drugs are required and should be written in lower case. Proprietary names are capitalized.

  6. SUBMISSIONS: An Electronic Submission form is provided below for all submissions. The abstract submission deadline for COS' 2022 Annual Meeting is May 15, 2022.

  7. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: The Program Committee will review Abstracts. You will be notified of acceptance by email by July 2022. The Clinical Orthopaedic Society reserves the right to withdraw a paper at any time.

  8. REGISTRATION FEES: All presenters are required to register for the meeting and pay the registration fee.

  9. MANUSCRIPT: The paper is to be original, unpublished work. Papers that have been previously published are ineligible. Papers that have been submitted for publication but will remain unpublished prior to the date of the Annual Meeting are eligible. If a paper is accepted but is subsequently found to have been published before the Annual Meeting, the Program Committee has the right to withdraw the paper.

Podium Presentation

Each Podium presentation will be approximately 4-6 minutes in length. Standard audiovisual equipment in the scientific session room includes an LCD projector and Windows Computer (not a Mac). Personal laptops cannot be used for presentations.

Resident/Fellow Awards

If your abstract has been identified by the Program Committee to be considered for an award, one copy of your full manuscript (without pictures, charts and graphs) may be requested after all the abstracts submitted are reviewed.

The COS will recognize outstanding papers submitted and presented by residents and fellows with the Resident/Fellow Paper Award, 3 Oral Abstract Awards and 3 Resident/Fellow Rapid Fire Awards. See policies and instructions above for additional information on award papers.

Grading Process

  • Abstracts/Manuscripts will be read in a “blind” fashion. Your text should not reveal the authors or institutions of origin.

  • Graders are orthopaedic surgeons and are members of the Program Committee. Each abstract is reviewed and graded by at least four individuals/orthopaedic surgeons and the final grade is then averaged.

  • Grade is influenced by: significance of the study, content and clarity, specific number of cases or specimen studies, clinical or research data to support its conclusions, minimum follow-up of 2 years per patient for results describing reconstructive procedures, and new or modified techniques as they relate to diagnosis, surgery, complications or other phases of orthopaedic surgical problems.

Submit an Abstract







  • 骨科医师
  • 脊柱外科医生
  • 助理医师
  • 护士
  • 研究人员
  • 教授
  • 副教授
  • 助理教授
  • 研究人员
  • 研究学者
  • 专家
  • 医师
  • 外科医生
  • 顾问
  • 非政府组织
  • 医学院校
  • 年轻的研究人员
  • 医师助理
  • 医院管理人员
  • 病理学家
  • 产业代表
  • 医疗器械制造公司
  • 制药公司
  • 诊断公司
  • 其他医疗从业人员





  • 团队参会定制
  • 大会注册
  • 会员申请
  • 大会投稿
  • 邀请函
  • 代办签证
  • 预定酒店
  • 预定机票
  • 翻译服务
  • 境外包车
  • 接送机
  • 医院参访
  • 培训考察


6、转账汇款:请确保填写完整参会者姓名和注册编号及会议名称。如果您的汇款信息不完整,会导致无法识别该笔汇款出处。如您进行银行转账,请务必提供银行汇款单作为证明,以便追踪款项请将汇款单&注册号&注册时使用的全名一起发送至 globalconfs@gmail.com 一旦确认的汇款,注册将在48小时内被确认;


美国 坦帕
美国 新奥尔良
美国 纳什维尔
美国 亚特兰大



