

Call for Abstract Submission

The Mexican Federation of Sports Medicine A.C, and the International Federation of Sports Medicine invite Sports Medicine and Applied Sport Science researchers, students, and professionals to submit their presentation abstracts for the 37th World Congress of Sports Medicine which will take place in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, from September 22-25, 2022, under the following guidelines:

Participation is open to all professionals, scholars, and students doing research in sciences related to Sports Medicine.

I. Abstracts to Be Presented:

Research papers in Sports Medicine and related disciplines such as Basic Science, Clinical Sciences, Epidemiology, Public Health, and Applied Science.

  • Important note: Only abstracts in ENGLISH language will be accepted.

  • Abstracts must be unpublished prior to their submittal to the Congress.

  • Reviews of the literature shall not be accepted.

II. Participation Formats:

  1. Oral presentation of papers.

  2. Presentation of posters.

III. Abstract Submission:

Abstracts shall be submitted to the email address contacto@femmede.com.mx 

The abstract will be submitted in Word format (the name of the file shall be the name of the presenting author). When submitting the abstract, the author shall suggest the format to present it: oral presentation or poster). Once the abstract is submitted, it cannot be modified, and authors cannot be changed.

For papers as posters, additionally to the abstract, it shall be submitted the image of the poster to be presented as a portable document format (PDF extension). Please, consider that the submittal of this file is only for reviewing purposes by the Scientific Committee; therefore, FEMMEDE takes no responsibility for printing or displaying the poster. Posters shall have the following total dimensions: 100 cm length X 90 cm height, portrait format.

IV. Instruction for the Presentation of Abstracts:

The file will be sent, electronically, in Word format. The name of the file shall be the name of the presenting author. Abstracts shall be single-spaced, in Times New Roman, and Font size 12, with 2.5 cm (1 in) margins. Abstracts shall have a maximum length of 400 words.

  • Title: (In Times New Roman, bold type, font size 14, capital and small letters, centered alignment, maximum length of 20 words).

  • Authors: Full name of the authors, without title, underlining the full name of the presenting author (the name will appear in the acknowledgement of participation as transcribed).

  • Affiliation: It will be place after the last author’s name.

  • E-mail: To contact the presenting author. This information shall be in Times New Roman, Font size 10.

The abstract shall include the following sections (in Times New Roman, font size 12):

  • Introduction

  • Objective

  • Material and Methods

  • Results

  • Conclusion


The effect of hydration in aerobic performance in American football players. López Hernández Jorge1,2, Sánchez-González Jorge Manuel1,2, Nava-Salazar Sonia1,3, López- Graciano Sofía5 García-Vargas Gonzalo.

1Instituto Politécnico Nacional. 2Comisión Nacional del Deporte,
3UniversidadIberoamericana, 4 Universidad de Guanajuato.
Correo electrónico: 
xxxxxx@gmail.com (presenting author)

Introduction. Adequate hydration is central to human life. For decades, there have been studies on sports, gender, age groups. Notwithstanding, there is little information about hydration in American football players.

Objective: Assess hydration status and the causes related to dehydration status due to the position of the players in American football.

Material and methods. Through an observational study, prospective and comparative, 24 American football players were studied, all with at least a 2.5 years-practice, and asked about their fluid replacement habits, physical exploration, and aerobic performance. There were made analysis of variance on each of the variables with post hoc, at an Alpha level of 95%.

Results. 60% of the participants showed dehydration status, and it was different (statistically meaningful, p<0.05) per weight and game position.

Conclusion: The data from this study show the need to delve into hydration status per game position and to develop new assessment methods to issue specific recommendations per game position and corporeality.

V. Criteria for Abstracts Evaluation:

Five anonymous reviewers will review abstracts, with no communication between them, to ensure quality and, if accepted, to be include them in the program of the Congress. The Evaluator Committee will decide the format of the presentation. Notwithstanding, it will be considered the format proposed by the author. The decision of the committee will be final.

VI. Submission deadline:

Abstracts may be submitted as from the issuance of this invitation and no later than July 31, 2022, at 23:59 (CST).

VII. Notification:

The Organizing Committee will review the abstracts and will confirm participation acceptance via e-mail by August 15, 2022, at the latest. It will also indicate the format, dates, and timetable of the presentation.

The participants will be notified via e-mail and published on the 37th World Congress of Sports Medicine website under the section Abstracts as well in FEMMEDE’s social media (FB, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter).

VIII. Confirmation of Participation:

Once the author is notified of the acceptance of the abstract, the author shall confirm its participation through online registration, 3 days after receiving the acceptance mail.

If no confirmation is received, the paper will not be included in the memoirs.

The presenting author must be duly registered in the Congress. Registration will be online on the 37th World Congress of Sports Medicine website.

IX. Event Venue:

Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara

Puerta de Hierro 5065

Zapopan, Jalisco, México, 45116

+52 33 3883 1234

X. Certificates of Attendance and Participation:

The certificates of attendance will be digital. In case of needing printing onsite, this will have an additional cost.

XI. Awards

The awards will be given based on the regulations and guidelines of this invitation. Upon its merit, some of the winner papers may be sent to and published in scientific journals in agreement with FEMMEDE. The awards for the first three places will be notified shortly on the website of the 37th World Congress of Sports Medicine.







  • 骨科医师
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  • 助理医师
  • 护士
  • 研究人员
  • 教授
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  • 研究学者
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  • 医师
  • 外科医生
  • 顾问
  • 非政府组织
  • 医学院校
  • 年轻的研究人员
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  • 医疗器械制造公司
  • 制药公司
  • 诊断公司
  • 其他医疗从业人员





  • 团队参会定制
  • 大会注册
  • 会员申请
  • 大会投稿
  • 邀请函
  • 代办签证
  • 预定酒店
  • 预定机票
  • 翻译服务
  • 境外包车
  • 接送机
  • 医院参访
  • 培训考察


6、转账汇款:请确保填写完整参会者姓名和注册编号及会议名称。如果您的汇款信息不完整,会导致无法识别该笔汇款出处。如您进行银行转账,请务必提供银行汇款单作为证明,以便追踪款项请将汇款单&注册号&注册时使用的全名一起发送至 globalconfs@gmail.com 一旦确认的汇款,注册将在48小时内被确认;


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