Abstract Submission
All abstracts must be submitted online.
Authors can submit more than one paper.
Papers must not have been published elsewhere.
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Upon submission, authors will receive a confirmation by email. Please ensure that your email address is correct at the time of submission. It is therefore incumbent upon the author to ensure that the spelling, grammar, and syntax are of an academic publishing standard.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select and assign the abstracts relevant to the sessions for oral or poster presentation. All presenting authors of the abstracts (oral, poster, or video) are required to register and pay for the registration fee by the deadline. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the final program.
All accepted abstracts would be published in the final program of the Congress only upon receipt of registration fees in full
Important Dates
Open for abstract submission: July 1, 2021
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2022 (CLOSED)
Notification of acceptance for presentation: March 16, 2022
Deadline for registration of abstract presenters: April 15, 2022