Submission Guidelines & Requirements




Page Description

All types of oncology-related research are eligible for submission. The details below outline the requirements, policies, and guidelines for abstract submission to this year's ASCO meeting. ASCO 2022大会报名注册

Key Dates


Abstract Submitter Opens: November 3, 2021

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15, 2022 at 11:59 PM (EST)

Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline: March 17, 2022, at 12:00 PM (Noon) (EST)

Abstract Notification Sent to First Author: April 1, 2022

Abstract Titles, including LBAs, Released online: April 27, 2022

Abstract Withdrawal Deadline: April 10, 2022, at 11:59 PM (EST)

Abstract Eligibility


As your prepare your submission to the Meeting, please make note of the following details:

  • All types of oncology-related research are eligible for submission. Please note: case reports are not accepted.

  • Abstract should address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.

  • Data from the long-term follow-up of previously presented clinical trials may be submitted only if significant new information can be shown.

  • Interim analysis of a prospective randomized clinical trial will be considered if it is performed as planned in the original protocol and is statistically valid.

  • Abstracts of clinically-related subjects should be combined into a single abstract. Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more abstracts.

Author & Sponsor Eligibility


As you prepare your submission to the Meeting, please make note of the following author and sponsorship eligibility criteria:

  • Individuals may submit up to 2 regular abstracts as the first author.

  • Individuals may submit an unlimited number of Trials in Progress abstracts. Guidelines for Trials in Progress submissions are available here.

  • ASCO membership is not required to submit an abstract, however each abstract must be sponsored by an ASCO member.

    • Full Members (including Early Career and International in Developing Countries) may submit and sponsor their own abstract and may sponsor other abstracts

    • Allied Physician/Doctoral Scientist members may only submit and sponsor their own abstract as first author

    • Members in Training may submit and sponsor their own abstract as first author with approval from their training program director

    • Advanced Practice Providers, Affiliated Health Professionals, Patient Advocates, Practice Administrators, and Student/Non-Oncology Residents may submit an abstract with a sponsor signature from a Full Member

    • Emeritus members retain the abstract sponsorship rights of their previous membership category

  • The sponsor must:

    • Be an ASCO Full Member, Allied Physician/Doctoral Scientist1 or a Member in Training2 in good standing3

    • Verify the contents of the abstract and support its data

    • Comply with the Confidentiality Policy

  • The sponsor does not need to be an author of the abstract.

  • An ASCO Full Member may sponsor multiple abstracts including his or her own abstract. Allied Physicians/Doctoral Scientists can sponsor their own abstracts and Full Members can sponsor their own abstracts and the abstracts of others.

1An ASCO Allied Physician/Doctoral Scientist may only sponsor his or her own abstract as first author.
2An ASCO Member in Training who sponsors his or her own abstract must also obtain a signature from the training program director. (The training program director does not have to be an ASCO Member and may sign for more than one Member-in-Training.)
3ASCO Members who need to pay their membership dues should do so online.

For questions about ASCO membership, contact ASCO Customer Service at 703-299-0158 or 1-888-282-2552.

    First Author Responsibilities


    The First Author must

    • Agree to the Confidentiality Policy on behalf of all parties involved with the abstract and communicate this policy to all involved parties. The Confidentiality Policy applies to both standard and late-breaking data submission from the time of abstract submission.

    • Verify that, if necessary for the work reported, the clinical research represented in the abstract was approved by an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board and that, if appropriate to the research, informed consent was obtained for all subjects.

    • Verify that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract and support its data.

    • Agree, on behalf of all co-authors, to transfer copyright to ASCO.

    • Agree to present the abstract if it is selected for presentation at the ASCO Annual Meeting. (This includes being present during the scheduled time of a poster session.) If the first author is employed by a company as defined by the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies (see Submission Requirements), an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation in an oral abstract session or clinical science symposium. If the first author submits 2 abstracts, and both abstracts are selected for oral presentation within the same session, the first author is required to designate an alternate presenter for one of the presentations. No action is needed if the abstracts are selected for presentation in different sessions.

    • Adhere to the ASCO's Policy For Relationships With Companies (Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 35:7, 796-798) and obtain disclosure information from all coauthors using the appropriate disclosure forms.

    • Comply with ASCO's conflict of interest management decisions, including the potential for slide review prior to presentation. For more information on these procedures, see ASCO’s Implementation Plan to Manage Relationships with Companies for CE Activities.

    • Ensure that all coauthors meet the definition of authorship as stated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

    • Convey the Annual Meeting Abstract Policies to all coauthors and the sponsor(s) of the research.

    Submission Requirements

    • Contact Information for All Authors: Provide the full name, academic degree(s), institution, state/country, and email address for each author on the abstract. The first author (presenting author) will receive all future correspondence from ASCO regarding the status of the abstract. Up to 20 authors may be listed per abstract.

    • Identification of Original Research: Indicate whether the abstract reports on original research. Original research means a systematic investigation designed for the purpose of expanding knowledge or understanding, including the analysis of data. For clarity, a clinical trial is original research under this definition, and a summary or review of prior knowledge is not original research under this definition.

    • Identification of Clinical Trials: Indicate whether the research is a clinical trial. A clinical trial is a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes (National Institutes of Health [NIH] Office of Extramural ResearchAccessed August 30, 2020.

      • Though clinical trial registration is not required for abstract submission, publication, or presentation, certain clinical trials are required to be registered by law and/or prior to journal publication. If a clinical trial is already registered, the first author will be asked to provide the name of the registry and the trial registration number during the abstract submission process. The clinical trial number will be included as part of the published abstract.

    • Funding Source: Indicate whether the abstract was funded by the NIH, a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company, a tobacco company, a foundation, or another source. NIH-sponsored studies are those that receive direct NIH funding for their conduct, including cooperative group trials. If the research is funded by a pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or tobacco company, please provide a contact person at the company. Secondary funding sources are also requested.

    • Abstract Title: The title should objectively describe the study. Do not refer to study results or conclusions. ASCO reserves the right to edit conclusive titles.

    • Disclosure Declaration: ASCO's policy promotes balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its activities through the disclosure of financial interests and other relationships, and management of potential conflicts. The financial interests or relationships requiring disclosure are outlined in ASCO's Policy For Relationships With Companies (Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 35:7, 796-798). All authors are expected to disclose all relationships with for-profit health care companies in one of two ways:

      • The Coauthor Disclosure Form may be used by the first author to obtain disclosure information from coauthors. The first author must enter all disclosure information through the Abstract Submitter.

      • If an author has provided disclosure through the ASCO Disclosure Management System, the information will automatically populate in the submission site. Disclosure information for all authors will be distributed as part of ASCO’s Annual Meeting materials.

    • Restrictions for Presenting Authors: If the first author is employed by a company as defined by the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies (see below), an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation in an oral abstract session or clinical science symposium. Oral abstract presenters will also be subject to the same disclosure review and management strategies as faculty, per ASCO’s Implementation Plan to Manage Relationships with Companies for CE Activities.

      • Company: “A for‐profit entity that develops, produces, markets, or distributes drugs, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage, and alleviate health conditions. This definition is not intended to include non‐profit entities, entities outside of the healthcare sector, or entities through which physicians provide clinical services directly to patients.”

    • Abstract Body/Table: The body of the abstract should describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions of the research. Type the abstract directly into the text box, cut and paste from an existing document, or upload a text file of your abstract.

      • Character count: Do not exceed 2,600 characters including the abstract title, body, and table. The character count does not include spaces or author names or institutions.

      • Table: One data table is permitted per abstract. The composition process does not enable shading or the merging of cells with centered text. Limit the table to no more than 10 rows and eliminate the need for shading or merged cells with centered text. Illustrations and figures are not permitted.

    • Topic Category: Select the most appropriate track and subcategory for the abstract (see Submission Tracks and Subcategories). The ASCO Scientific Program Committee has the authority to recategorize an abstract.

    • Submission Fee: A $60 (USD) nonrefundable submission fee will be charged per abstract submitted. Payment is due at the time of submission. Credit cards are the only accepted form of payment. Checks, wire transfers, and purchase orders will not be accepted.

      • Payment waivers: First authors from low-income countries, as defined by the World Bank, may apply for a payment waiver. These countries include: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, and the Republic of Yemen. At this time, Lower-Middle Income Countries are not eligible for this waiver. Please contact us for more information.

    Notifications, Changes & Withdrawals


    Each first author will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the abstract after initiating a submission and after completing a submission. The first author (presenting author) will receive a notification email from the Program Committee regarding its decision on April 1, 2022.

    Withdrawal deadline is April 10, 2022, at 11:59 PM (EST).

    To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions to abstracts will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline. Requests for changes (typos or minor text corrections) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be sent in writing by the first author to the ASCO Abstracts team. Please call 703-299-0158 or 1-888-282-2552 with any questions.